(248) 900-2668


Protect Your Lead's Privacy With HIPAA Compliance

Worried about HIPAA? Look no further than LifeLead, which gives you the tool needed to keep lead's data safe, while keeping it easy to communicate with leads in real-time.

Data Encryption

Our database automatically encrypts all data before it is written to disk. No setup or configuration is required and there is no need to modify how you access the service. The data is automatically and transparently decrypted when read by an authorized user.

Audit Controls

LifeLead allows administrators the ability to audit actions on the app, which complies with HIPAA's Security Rule.

LifeLead BAA

Know that you are in a safe place. We require a BAA with all of our partner centers. We also provide free training and materials to help you assess your risk.

LifeLead Security for Your Center

Keeping your center safe and private is of utmost concern in the current market. Here's how we can help:

  • Data Encryption

  • Audit Controls

  • LifeLead BAA

  • Call Recordings

  • Basic HIPAA training and help

Awesome Words

from our partners

We have over 35 centers across the country using LifeLead. Here's what a few of them have to say:


Executive Director - Maryland

"Having the app is amazing because we don't even have to be in the center!"


Executive Director - Minnesota

"The LifeLead app helps SO much. Even more than I thought it would when I first signed up. We continue to be just so happy to work with you guys!"


Executive Director - New York

"I love it so far. We love the communication with clients!"


Executive Director - Wisconsin

"We really like how convenient the app is; the notifications make it very easy. We can answer within a matter of minutes. We like the ability to communicate with clients. We feel the info is safer and it is definitely better and easier than what we were using. We like the continuity. We love the tech support! Kudos!"


Executive Director - Wisconsin

"Everyone is so relieved to have everything in one spot. The support has been outstanding!

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(248) 900-2668


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We’re on a mission to build a better future to save as many lives as possible.